Our Mission Statement
The Queer Alliance Resource Center strives to transform UC Berkeley into a safe and affirming space for the trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer community. QARC empowers and enriches the experiences of LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff at UC Berkeley through advocacy, service, and engagement.
Updates & Announcements
Transition Supplies Fund
Transition Supplies Request Form: https://tinyurl.com/QARCTransitionSupplies
This form is for trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students at Cal to request transition related supplies, to be ordered by and provided to them by the Queer Alliance Resource Center.
- Supplies you can request include, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: binders, packers, STPs/S2Ps/stand to pees, breast forms, bras, tucking underwear, wigs, transition-related makeup, razors, shaving cream/foam, syringes.
- Please contact operations@ucbqarc.org with any questions!
Go to our next tab to learn about other resources that we offer. If you would like to see our list of resources for trans students, visit here.
Intern Program
The Intern Program is a fantastic way to get involved with QARC and the LGBTQ+ community here at Cal, especially for incoming students. The year-long program has a number of components, each designed to help interns develop different skills. They help plan and carry out vital programming and often develop leadership skills that enable them to become leaders of QT+ orgs and QARC Board. Learn more about our intern program here.
Infosessions: https://tinyurl.com/intform2021
#1 : Fri Aug 28, 6:30-7:30pm
#2 : Wed Sept 2, 6-7pm
QT Census and Community Needs Assessment
QARC is calling upon all of our community members to complete our QT Census & Community Needs Assessment. We hope that we can use your responses to guide the work of QARC and ensure that we can best represent you and address your needs. Please check the link below to complete our QT Census & Community Needs Assessment.
QARC will be holding an opportunity drawing of five $20 gift cards as a token of our appreciation, which is open to anyone who completes our form.
Additional Resources
QARC normally offers academic and health and wellness resources within our on-campus spaces, the Cecilia Chung Resource Center and the Marsha P. Johnson Lounge. Our Resource List can be found below.
Fall 2020 Public Resources List: https://tinyurl.com/Fall2020QARCPublic
Regular Resource List: https://tinyurl.com/QARCresources
Due to COVID-19 campus closures, QARC will be offering our resources via mail and pick up in berkeley. QARC will also be offering academic supplies by request. Our request form for items that are on our public resource list will be opening soon. Stay tuned for updates and contact operations@ucbqarc.org for help.