QARC Public Resources and Trans-Specific Resources
QARC Public Resources List:
Request here for mail or pickup in Berkeley
Including: Syringes, in-home HIV tests, emergency contraceptives, condoms, menstrual cups, tampons, pads, various transition-related makeup
Shipped to a provided address or pickup in Berkeley
- Transition Supplies Fund: scroll below for more details
- QARC Public Resources List:
Resources in the Cecilia Chung Resource Center (MLK 416)
For these resources, please come to the CCRC during open hours (Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM) and ask a volunteer for assistance. Textbooks and test prep books may only be used on the floor and should be returned within the same day. A student ID will be taken as collateral for borrowing textbooks and test prep books. Other books and magazines may be checked out through this form (, and should be returned within two (2) weeks.
- Chest binders – in all sizes and shade options from gc2b
- Mac charger 45W
- Mac charger 60W
- iPhone chargers (4 wires, two USB heads)
- Clorox wipes
- Compostable sporks
- Paper bowls
- Paper towels
- External condoms
- Internal condoms
- Dental dams
- Water-based lubricant
- Glycerine-free lubricant
- Burn gel
- Triple Antibiotic
- Hydrocortisone cream
- Surgical tape
- Facial tissues
- Floss
- Lotion
- Sunscreen
- Lactase enzyme
- Pregnancy tests (early result, rapid result, digital options)
- Disposable surgical face masks
- Antihistamine 25mg (NOT non-drowsy)
- Dayquil
- Advil (200mg)
- Assorted bandaids
- Alcohol pads
- Sting relief pads
- Instant cold packs
- Cotton balls
- Hand sanitizer
- Emergency contraceptives
- In-home HIV tests
- Nolaxone
- Menstrual cups (two sizes)
- Syringes (1ml, 5ml)
- Needles (18 gauge, 27 gauge)
- Sharps disposal container
- Green books
- Scantrons
- Textbooks (various)
- MCAT prep books (various)
- LSAT prep books
- GRE prep books
- LGBTQ magazines (various)
- LGBTQ novels, anthologies, etc. (various)
Resources in the Marsha P. Johnson (QPTOC) Lounge (MLK 414)
MPJ Lounge can be accessed by pressing on the long accessibility button or directly opening the door during MLK building hours. This lounge was intended as a QPTOC space. Please respect the communities this lounge was created for.
- Facial tissues
- Lotion
- Sunscreen
- Floss
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Internal condoms
- External condoms
- Dental dams
- Water-based lubricant
- Glycerine-free lubricant
- Compostable sporks
- Paper bowls
- Paper towels
- Burn gel
- Triple Antibiotic
- Hydrocortisone cream
- Surgical tape
- Pregnancy tests (early result, rapid result, digital options)
- Hand sanitizer
- Paper towels
- Art supplies (various)
- Tampons (various)
- Menstrual pads (various)
- Pantiliners (various)
Trans Specific Resources
Transition Supplies Request Form:
- This form is for trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students at Cal to request transition related supplies, to be ordered by and provided to them by the Queer Alliance Resource Center.
- Supplies you can request include, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: binders, packers, STPs/S2Ps/stand to pees, breast forms, bras, tucking underwear, wigs, transition-related makeup, razors, shaving cream/foam, syringes.
- Please contact with any questions!

Try on chest binders for FREE! @ Cecilia Chung Resource Center
- QARC has binders from gc2b, ranging from size XS-2XL, in all nude shades, half and full tank, in the Cecilia Chung Resource Center (MLK 416), for anyone to try on.
- Binders can be found hanging on the wall behind the door of CCRC.
- Check your size and nude color and order from gc2b or request a binder from our Transition Supplies Request form above!
- Try ons currently unavailable due to COVID 19. Please check the GC2B website for measurements accurate to your size.

T-Cal: trans and non-binary peer support group
Mondays, 8:00-9:30pm, via Zoom (Contact T-Cal for the link)
- Join us for a weekly support group where we exchange stories, funny anecdotes, transitioning resources, and everything in-between! We’ll have a round of check-ins for all members, before moving to a discussion topic. Snacks will be provided!
- Contact: (email to join our mailing list & secret Facebook group)

Beyond the Binary
Biweekly Wednesdays, 7-8pm, via Zoom (email for the link)
- We seek to create a safe social and discussion space for all Berkeley students who do not fit within the gender binary.
- Email:
QT Clothing Swaps! (on hold)
QARC regularly holds QT clothing swaps where folx can donate and find new clothes and makeup in a trans and queer-inclusive space!
- There are labelled donation bins in Multicultural Community Center on the 2nd floor of MLK, and the Cecilia Chung Resource Center (CCRC), Rm 416 on the 4th floor of MLK, if you would like to drop off any items in advance! Allies welcome and encouraged to donate!
- Beauty product guidelines:
Deleted: -new or gently used make up only please
Deleted: -no lip products or eye products unless new (it is not hygienic to share these products. Source: )
Deleted: -no expired products (how to tell if your make up is expired if you don’t see an expiration date: )
- Beauty product guidelines:
On-Campus Resources
- Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq): Includes information on changing legal name & gender and changing preferred name on CalCentral and Cal1Card, resources for trans athletes, etc.
- University Health Services–TANG Center: Trans Care Team
- Queer and Transgender Advocacy Project (QTAP): Seeks to improve the lives and experiences of queer and transgender graduate students at UC Berkeley.
- Unity Theme Program